

Bountyjobs positions itself as a marketplace for employers and talent acquisition agencies to trade jobs and candidates. For employers, the focus is to help them with their talent acquisition strategy. At it's core, Bountyjobs is a Vendor Management System (VMS) for employers to ease the management of multiple talent acquisition agencies and to provide performance analytics on searches and agencies. For agencies, it's a lead source of potential companies (employers) to work with for candidate placement..for a cut of the placement fee (pre-negotiated by Bountyjobs). Essentially, the agency appeal is to outsource its business development activities.


Ratings are tricky with this provider as very few employers (customers) have published reviews; the ones that have are stellar. Reviews from the other side of the marketplace, talent acquisition agencies and independent recruiters are very split. The use likeability and 'fairness' rankings of this service sway wildly depending on the type of agency using it; ratings from small independent or new recruiter are favorable while established, sizable agencies are unfavorable.

For these reasons the above is the average of the breakdown:



Strength: Employers respond very positively to the ease of use of the service. Pre-negotiated contracts with pre-vetted national network of agencies is the main draw. In addition, the reduction in cold calls that employers have to field and admin work involved in managing agencies is a huge plus. Meanwhile, agencies have access to employers they either haven't been able to penetrate or have lost. 

Weakness: The deep relationship that employers and agencies nurture to ensure the right placements for the right roles at the right time is diminished in this type of set up. Agencies don't have the access to really understand an employers' business or needs which naturally leads to inefficiencies. Well-established and recognized talent acquisition agencies and recruiters aren't fans of Bountyjobs and the client & candidate ownership issues that come with partnering with a service of this type..much less the loss of up to 25% of the placement fee. So, these candidate-magnate establishments aren't in Bountyjob's network of resources for employers to partner with. 

Best Use: Large corporate businesses are best suited to use Bountyjobs as their main
VMS. In fact, Bountyjobs states that over one third of Fortune 500 companies use their marketplace to manage recruiters & talent acquisition agencies for transactional to executive level positions. We recommend mid-sized organizations use this marketplace for select, targeted searches where leveraging the massive network of agencies delivers a strong ROI in the 'War for Talent'.